Friday, November 11, 2011

Something beautiful for a Friday morning


Sally Rippin said...

Oh wow, that is stunning! And are they margerine tubs, for goodness sakes?! Thank you Rach, that was truly beautiful.

Frances said...

Hello Rachel: One can only wonder, watching such, why "they" have determinedly taken rhyme, rythmn and repetition out of learning for young school children.

Are you up to Naplan yet? If so, you might be interested to know that the results offered to parents in Victoria are far more limited than those given in NSW.

Rachel Power said...

Hi Frances. I work for the teachers union, so yes, I know all about NAPLAN! Although the union's beef is as much about the results being used to "rank" schools (as the impact on kids) through things like the My School website, and the pressure that puts on schools to teach to the test at the expense of a broader curriculum. Also my son is in Year 3, so had the first year of testing for him. That is interesting about the results in NSW. Why is that, do you think?

divacultura said...

Thank you for this discovery!