Thankfully, my worst fears haven't been realised (not that there isn't a place for a bit of pastel power on occasion...). In contrast, I'm loving just how edgy and witty the Birth.Art works have turned out to be.
As Tilly says:
This show has it all; from rude plants to fluorescent private parts, from inter-species breastfeeding to the theatricalities of the most common birthing arena in the Western world – the hospital.
Come and celebrate birth in all its glory. Argue with theologians and atheists, adopt a possum baby, drink some wine...
ACU Gallery, 52 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne
Launching Tuesday June 14 (6-8pm), runs until June 30 (Wednesdays-Sundays 12-5pm)
See you there! x
hey thanks for checking out my blog, I'm so glad the cake worked out for you!
I'd love to check this out but unfortunately it is a tad far to travel. It sounds interesting.
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